Everyday Investors

Avoid high management fees and retain your share of investment returns

The best result comes from understanding your ambitions and the lifestyle you want to achieve – no matter what stage of life you’re at. Whether you are a first-time investor, someone who has previously invested or a professional advisor, you can access Prime Value’s investment expertise to grow your wealth or for your clients.

At Prime Value, we pool your finances with high net worth families so even small investment amounts will deliver superior returns. With superior risk-adjusted return long-term investments for the everyday investor, you and your clients keep more returns through our competitive fee structure.

Prime Value’s handpicked industry experts build wealth for you by mastering today’s market

At Prime Value we make decisions on how assets will perform over time rather than short term speculative predictions on market performance. Through purchasing high value investments based on fundamentals and holding them over the long-term, our clients experience consistently superior risk-adjusted returns.

Our Fund Managers conduct in-depth research of the market on your behalf and find out investment options not readily available to individual investors. Everyday investors benefit from enhanced income and lower risk of permanent capital loss through strong risk management practices and a stable in-house investment team that aligns investment decisions with interests of investors.

Prime Value’s Relationship Managers work hard to ensure that you don’t have to stress and worry about the performance of your investments. We are just a phone call or email away if you require a better understanding of your investment options and strategies adopted. You can enjoy a detailed understanding on the progress of your investment position through exclusive access to seminars and regular fund performance updates.

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