Investing in the market inflection point

25 November 2020

Investing in the market inflection point – by ST Wong Click here to read the full article – Financial Review, Wednesday, November 25, 2020, pages from 24 to 24 Click here to read full article on AFR website  


Reporting season won’t define market direction

5 August 2020

In a volatile market, it’s vital to be disciplined about what you want to own, the price you want to pay and what you think it’s going to be worth in a few years. Investors are asking if this reporting season will make or break the extraordinary Australian sharemarket rally that started in late March. […]


Chicken Dinner

14 July 2020

Looking ahead into the new financial year, we don’t claim to know exactly how the recovery will unfold, and we expect elevated volatility to continue. That said, we believe this is an exciting time for active stock pickers who can identify companies with financial strength and management teams that have shown an ability to navigate […]


Resilience amid uncertainty

2 October 2019

Prime Value Asset Management chief investment officer and portfolio manager of Australian equities ST Wong has experienced two major financial crises. He tells Karren Vergara how he keeps grounded in the midst of financial market upheavals. If there’s one trait an active fund manager needs at a time when cracks begin to form in the […]


Market darlings: Here’s when you should kill them to avoid big disappointments

1 October 2019

Market darlings – those stocks often discussed at dinner parties and rarely questioned as a good investment – can make investors a lot of money on the way up. But many market darlings over history have provided the costliest lessons for investors, reminders that choosing which company not to own is often more critical than […]


Savers beware: why income investors need to consider cash enhanced funds

16 September 2019

Income is on everyone’s minds as the media runs riot with talk of negative interest rates and Quantitative Easing. And income investors have been given a clear message from the RBA – cash returns will become worse before they get better. The RBA’s October rate cut, coupled with its latest statement, suggests income-directed investors need […]


Few words from your Investment Team on the Federal Election

23 May 2019

Following the surprising Coalition win in the Australian Federal Election over the weekend, each of our portfolio manager’s has given a short summary of the implications for each of the main Prime Value Asset Management funds. Broadly speaking, it is considered positive for investment returns. CASH PLUS FUND – Matthew Lemke The unexpected Liberal/National Party […]


Quick guide to keeping your cool during reporting season

14 August 2018

Investing in the small and micro-cap sector is exciting but can be volatile at times. More important than the actual volatility is how we react to it. Keeping cool during price fluctuations often pays off, because today’s price falls could become buying opportunities which drive tomorrow’s returns. This reporting season has been no different, with […]


Key reasons why Aussie investors are facing an interest rate dilemma

16 June 2018

What is the dilemma? Will interest rates rise in Australia any time soon? Cash investors would be helped if the RBA raised rates. Our view is that a rate hike will happen but not for many months and probably into 2019. In fact the longer the delay the more opportunity for other factors to intervene […]


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