Seven questions with ST Wong – Financial Review Interview

25 September 2019

ST Wong is the chief investment officer of Prime Value Asset Management. What’s the investment question that you always hope to get asked but never do? Why is making fewer mistakes key to superior investment performance? There is a lot of focus on the most exciting stocks, but little attention paid to avoiding losers in […]


Savers beware: why income investors need to consider cash enhanced funds

16 September 2019

Income is on everyone’s minds as the media runs riot with talk of negative interest rates and Quantitative Easing. And income investors have been given a clear message from the RBA – cash returns will become worse before they get better. The RBA’s October rate cut, coupled with its latest statement, suggests income-directed investors need […]


Where are today’s ‘picks and shovels’ companies?

2 July 2019

Mark Twain’s wisdom that “during the gold rush it’s a good time to be in the pick and shovel business” remains true to this day, but there’s a catch. During the gold rushes of the 1840s and 1850s in California and Australia, traders selling picks and shovels did a roaring business as prospectors sought riches. […]


4 reasons why cash is a core portfolio allocation

5 June 2019

Cash has often been a source of confusion for investors. Some people do not consider it an investment class in its own right but more as a ‘balancing’ or ‘residual’ item after all other investments have been made. However, there are compelling reasons why cash should be considered a core portfolio allocation item. Investors who […]


Few words from your Investment Team on the Federal Election

23 May 2019

Following the surprising Coalition win in the Australian Federal Election over the weekend, each of our portfolio manager’s has given a short summary of the implications for each of the main Prime Value Asset Management funds. Broadly speaking, it is considered positive for investment returns. CASH PLUS FUND – Matthew Lemke The unexpected Liberal/National Party […]


What is behind the recent share market rally? Critical questions for investors

2 March 2019

Share markets started 2019 with three worries: First, the US Federal Reserve was tightening financial conditions as global economies showed signs of rapidly slowing. Second, China-US trade negotiation tensions appeared to escalate. Third, more specifically for the Australian market, the Chinese economy was slowing faster than expected. However, these three risks started to abate in […]


Prime Value Emerging Opportunities Fund tops performance tables

4 December 2018

The Prime Value Emerging Opportunities Fund – Class A is currently topping the tables amongst its peers for performance. The Fund, which invests in small/micro-cap stocks across the ASX puts just as much effort into ‘managing the downside’ as it does in picking good stocks. Richard Ivers, portfolio manager for the Prime Value Emerging Opportunities […]


Meet the portfolio manager – Richard Ivers

2 December 2018

Richard Ivers is a portfolio manager with Prime Value Asset Management, who has over 16 years’ experience investing in smaller companies. Richard is responsible for our small/micro cap fund, the Prime Value Emerging Opportunities Fund – Class A. The Fund has performed strongly during a difficult time on the markets: since May 2018 the Prime […]


Active managers better at managing downside

27 November 2018

The ability to manage the downside when markets fall is limited in passive investments, according to a small cap boutique manager. Active managers are better at limiting downside at times when markets go down than passive investors, according to boutique small cap manager, Prime Value Asset Management. According to the firm, the ability to avoid […]


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